Cautionary Announcement Delayed Financial Results



Messages: 5084

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 19:54

Message Ven 16 Sep 2016 08:08

Cautionary Announcement Delayed Financial Results

[Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia]
Company registration number: 771
Share Code: ZCCM-IH
ISIN: ZM0000000037
["ZCCM-IH" or "the Company"]


The Management of ZCCM Investment Holdings PLC (ZCCM-IH) wishes to advise the Company's Shareholders that the issuance of the audited Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2016 has been delayed due to the following reason: -

- ZCCM-IH experienced delays in information collection from a number of investee companies within the ZCCM-IH portfolio. The information is required for consolidation of the financial statements.

The required information has now been obtained and the Company is in the process of finalizing the audit of the said Financial Statements. This is targeted to be done by 31 October 2016.

Arising from this delay, the Company has prepared provisional annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016 as required by the LuSE Listing Rules. However, the issuance of the provisional financial statements awaits Board approval once a quorate Board is appointed. The Company expects that the appointment of new Directors will be done by 30th September 2016.

Accordingly, shareholders are advised to exercise caution when dealing in ZCCM-IH securities until the full year results are published.

C Chabala
Company Secretary
Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 15 September 2016


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Messages: 1954

Inscription: Mar 8 Sep 2009 08:03

Message Ven 16 Sep 2016 08:42

Re: Cautionary Announcement Delayed Financial Results

Ce retard dans la collecte des données financières des différentes sociétés est devenu un mal chronique et un mode de gestion pour certaines sociétés.

Le prochain board devrait établir des pénalités financières proportionnelles au retard de transfert des bilans : même les chinois devraient comprendre le message


Messages: 2367

Inscription: Sam 19 Sep 2009 09:49

Localisation: Nord de l'Alsace, dans le Parc Régional des Vosges du nord

Message Ven 16 Sep 2016 09:38

Re: Cautionary Announcement Delayed Financial Results

On attend aussi pour avancer la nomination du nouveau Conseil...Pas gagné alors...


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Membre d'honneur

Messages: 5941

Inscription: Jeu 14 Mai 2009 16:23

Message Ven 16 Sep 2016 09:58

Re: Cautionary Announcement Delayed Financial Results

Cette communication a été rendue obligatoire par les régulateurs (SEC et LuSE) qui reprochent à ZCCM-IH leur retard dans la parution des comptes.
Malheureusement ZCCM-IH est bloqué, en l'absence d'un nombre suffisant de directeurs, les comptes, qui ont été faits par le management, ne peuvent pas être examinés par l'Audit Committee faute d'un quorum.
Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. BOILEAU

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