Disclosure on Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) Membership



Messages: 5158

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 19:54

Message Ven 4 Nov 2022 12:51

Disclosure on Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) Membership

The Company is pleased to report that Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL), Zambian stepdown subsidiary, has secured Membership of SAPP.
Membership of SAPP affords MCL with significant flexibility to sell surplus power on
SAPP over and above capacity contracted by ZESCO. SAPP has a time tested and robust
payment mechanism amongst its member countries, demonstrated over several years.
MCL has already been receiving full payments for its power dispatches from May 2022 to
ZESCO and SAPP. Membership of SAPP will ensure steady cash flows, additionally aiding
MCL to seize opportunistic gains in a power deficit southern African region.


Messages: 2418

Inscription: Sam 19 Sep 2009 09:49

Localisation: Nord de l'Alsace, dans le Parc Régional des Vosges du nord

Message Ven 4 Nov 2022 19:16

Re: Disclosure on Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) Members

Laf1986 a écrit:The Company is pleased to report that Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL), Zambian stepdown subsidiary, has secured Membership of SAPP.
Membership of SAPP affords MCL with significant flexibility to sell surplus power on
SAPP over and above capacity contracted by ZESCO. SAPP has a time tested and robust
payment mechanism amongst its member countries, demonstrated over several years.
MCL has already been receiving full payments for its power dispatches from May 2022 to
ZESCO and SAPP. Membership of SAPP will ensure steady cash flows, additionally aiding
MCL to seize opportunistic gains in a power deficit southern African region.

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