KCM oct 2016



Messages: 4750

Inscription: Dim 6 Sep 2009 20:50

Message Mer 19 Oct 2016 14:57

KCM oct 2016

KONKOLA Copper Mines says its planned shutdown of the Nchanga Smelter where US$13 million will be spent on the facility’s improvements is meant to increase efficiency and the mine’s cash flow.

In a statement issued on Friday by KCM public relations manager Shapi Shacinda, the mine stated that it failed to understand why some senior managers at the company had allegedly complained about the smelter maintenance works when that was normal practice in every operation.

The senior managers had complained that Vedanta Resources was spending US$13 million on maintenance works when it had failed to pay them their September salaries.

“We are not aware of senior management officials who have complained about the USD$13 million spent on maintenance and upgrades at the smelter. The money spent is intended to improve the efficiency, production and KCM cash flow. It is surprising that there are purported complaints against such a noble cause,” stated Shacinda. “We also indicated in the statement released that KCM has employed 700 people on temporary basis for the duration of the planned 40-day shutdown of the smelter for maintenance works and upgrading of a smelter component known at the Electro-Static Precipitator (ESP). About 600 of these people are Zambians and the rest foreign experts engaged to assist with the maintenance works and erection of the ESP. These experts come from countries where KCM originally acquired equipment and parts used to build the Nchanga smelter. KCM has not employed 500 foreigners as reported.”

The Nchanga smelter was commissioned in 2008 as part of the US$3 billion investment in KCM expansions and upgrades since London-listed Vedanta Resources Plc acquired a majority stake in the company.


Messages: 4750

Inscription: Dim 6 Sep 2009 20:50

Message Mer 19 Oct 2016 14:57

Re: KCM oct 2016

KONKOLA Copper Mines chief executive officer Steven Din has admitted that procedure was not followed when undertaking the shutdown of the smelter.

Mines minister Christopher Yaluma had expressed disappointment over the shutdown of the gigantic smelter plant in Chingola for maintenance works because KCM did not follow procedure in accordance with dictates of the law, which includes notifying the ministry.

Din, however, promised to engage the Ministry of Mines and other relevant government departments during the period of the shutdown.

Din told Copperbelt minister Bowman Lusambo, who was on a fact-finding mission to the plant on Saturday, that the shutdown was necessary to bring about increased efficiency in mine operation.

"We must also state that at no time will the shutdown result in any job losses. We admit that procedure was not thoroughly followed when undertaking the shutdown of the smelter," Din said.

“To the contrary, KCM will maintain all the existing 500 permanent jobs and create 200 temporary jobs during the period of the shutdown and construction of a new smelter plant. The shutdown is necessary to bring about increased efficiency in mine operation."

He said KCM was replacing the old and almost obsolete smelter plant with a modern facility that would process higher volumes of ore with better energy usage.

Din said KCM had a strong Zambianisation agenda and had since promoted promising young Zambians into key leadership positions in the company through extensive training programmes.

And Lusambo told Din that the government was interested in a win-win investment partnership in the mining sector.

He said he was compelled to swiftly tour the smelter plant to get first-hand information on the state of affairs at the facility.

"We are here to get first hand information and deliver the message that President Edgar Lungu and the government is committed to protecting the interests of Zambians as it engages with the investment community," said Lusambo, and also told Din that the government was concerned that KCM had now started delaying the payment of monthly salaries, which he said had the potential to dampen miners’ productivity.


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Membre d'honneur

Messages: 5952

Inscription: Jeu 14 Mai 2009 16:23

Message Ven 21 Oct 2016 08:09

Re: KCM oct 2016

Merci pour cet intéressant article.

Je retiens tout particulièrement "We are here to get first hand information and deliver the message that President Edgar Lungu and the government is committed to protecting the interests of Zambians as it engages with the investment community," qui est un message fort en cette période toute particulières des relations de la Zambie avec KCM...
Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. BOILEAU

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