CEC turnover increases by 31 percent



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Message Jeu 13 Sep 2012 11:27

CEC turnover increases by 31 percent

CEC turnover increases
September 11, 2012 | Filed under: Business | Posted by: web editor
COPPERBELT Energy Corporation plc (CEC) has recorded an increase in turnover by 31 percent as at June30, 2012 due to increase in volume consumption by mining customers and hike in tariffs.
The company also attributes the increase in turnover to the depreciation in the Kwacha against the dollar between the periods to June 2012 against the similar period last year.
According to the company’s financial statement as at June30, 2012 availed to the Mail, load sales volume increased by 25 megawatt (MW) to 507 MW compared to 482 megawatts in the same period last year.
“Group turnover increased by 31 percent ,this was due to a combination of an increase in volume consumption by mining customers as well as an increase in tariffs,” reads the report.
Meanwhile, the company has commenced construction of a second fibre link connecting through to Zimbabwe adding that the link will cross at Kariba to enhance the availability and quality of bandwidth in Zambia.
On the outlook, the company plans to further the development of Kabompo Gorge hydro power project with key activities being the finalisation of the implementation agreement with the Government.

The company carried out laser survey of various hydro sites on the Luapula River was completed and the development plan the hydro schemes is being prepared for discussion with Government.
CEC is expected to commence a small bio-mass on the Copperbelt during the second half of 2012.
CEC’s core business remains the supply of power to mines based on the Copperbelt, it continues to wheel power through its network on behalf of Zesco Limited on the Copperbelt and operate the interconnector with societe Nationale D’electricite of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
In addition to power supply CEC has interest in the telecommunications industry with a 50 percent joint venture interest in Realtime Technology Alliance Africa Limited an internet service provider.CEC also holds a 50 percent joint venture interest in CEC Liquid Telecom, a company set up to prove wholesale optical fibre communications services.
Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. BOILEAU


Messages: 5117

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 19:54

Message Jeu 13 Sep 2012 12:01

Re: CEC turnover increases by 31 percent

Augmentation dividende +20 % : soit 12 millions (2.4 millions pour ZCCM en 2011)
Profit après tax : 19.8 millions



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Messages: 1650

Inscription: Dim 28 Juin 2009 11:07

Message Lun 17 Sep 2012 23:59

Re: CEC turnover increases by 31 percent

Oui sympathique quand on compare aux dividendes des autres participations !

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