Copperbelt Energy Corporation records 10% increase in revenu



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Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 16:48

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Message Dim 20 Mai 2018 07:36

Copperbelt Energy Corporation records 10% increase in revenu

Même si nous aurions fait une belle PV, je pense que nous avons raison de ne pas vendre notre participation dans CEC au fond qui rachète le reste du capital.

Les fonds viennent pour faire la bascule et prendre l'argent, c'est bcp mieux que le reste de nos partenaires miniers...

Là ca va faire encore plus de 4 M $ de dividendes , la croissance à venir pour CEC devrait permettre des rentrées supérieures chaque année.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation records 10% increase in revenue EBITDA over the previous year due to strong performance. ZCCM-IH holds 20% stake in CEC
May 16, 2018 04:02 pm

The Directors of Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (“CEC”) are pleased to announce the release of the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2017. Below is an extract from the Chairman’s Statement.
Chairman’s Statement
Our role, as a business, extends far beyond providing electricity that keeps the wheels of mining, and the Zambian economy, turning. We enable economic growth, contribute to job creation and skills development. We invest in the social transformation of individuals, people groups and the larger society through different forms of social investments; including but not limited to infrastructure development, training, education and local human capital development. We see that our traditional role as electricity provider of choice to the mining industry will continue even as certain aspects evolve in line with relevant changes in both the mining and energy industries, technological and other external factors. Our Managing Director, in his performance review, delves into the detail of the key market developments of 2017 on our radar…
Strategy and execution
The board oversees the process to set, review and plan strategy which is reconfirmed at the start of each year. In 2017, the strategy was reviewed for the five-year period 2017 to 2021. Management presented a seven-pillar strategy that seeks to modernise and efficiently manage the CEC network; consolidate our regional market position; realise multiple power sources; enhance stakeholder engagement; support the realisation of a robust tariff setting and migration path; provide management services and invest in viable generation and transmission projects aligned to our core business…
Our Company aims to embed sound corporate values into every day decisions, processes and operations in order to ultimately build a culture of transparent, accountable and sustainable business conduct. Working and acting with integrity at all times is integral to our continued business success…
Shareholder returns
The business exists to create value for our principal stakeholders and one way in which we return value to our shareholders on their investment is through a distribution of profits through dividend. Declaration of a dividend is a matter for our board. Our policy provides for payout of 50% of earnings subject to the availability of cash, reserves and having provided sufficiently for working capital and other obligations. A cash dividend of USD21 million was paid out to our ordinary shareholders, an increase of 28% over 2016 (USD16.4 million)…
Our focus is the execution of our strategy to achieve sustainable performance and create sustained value for all stakeholders. This will be enabled by our adherence to sound governance principles and actions, effectively mitigating our risks, engaging with all our stakeholders successfully, and developing and retaining the relevant skills in our business…
Appreciation and conclusion
I am grateful to my fellow directors currently serving on our board for their invaluable contributions and their active participation in setting the Company’s strategy in the past year. I also thank those who stepped down during the year and welcome the new directors.
I am grateful for the hard work, dedication and commitment of our Managing Director and his management team. I congratulate them for delivering on the CEC strategy and for presiding over the improvements in financial, operational and social performance recorded in the reporting period. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to all the staff for their efforts, without which we may not be posting this performance. I thank our customers for showing their continued confidence in us through their business.
Hanson Sindowe


Messages: 2541

Inscription: Sam 19 Sep 2009 09:49

Localisation: Nord de l'Alsace, dans le Parc Régional des Vosges du nord

Message Dim 20 Mai 2018 11:35

Re: Copperbelt Energy Corporation records 10% increase in re

Merci, les petits ruisseaux (CEC, Maamba, KCM, Kansh...), cumulés, vont se transformer en belle rivière....

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