YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake



Messages: 434

Inscription: Dim 6 Sep 2009 14:00

Localisation: Le Castellet, Var, près de Toulon

Message Sam 26 Sep 2009 20:19

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

Bonne idée, je viens d'envoyer un mail aussi.


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Messages: 1843

Inscription: Ven 18 Sep 2009 07:43

Message Sam 26 Sep 2009 23:29

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

Ce que je n'aime pas dans la dépêche, c'est qu'on y parle de 50M$ versé au GRZ, pas à ZCCM-IH, le propriétaire. Alors, faute d'étourderie, raccourci hâtif ou embrouille ?


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Administrateur du site

Messages: 4395

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 16:48

Localisation: la seyne sur mer

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 09:54

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

il est quasi acquit que le zda accepte le deal car les conditions des 35 % étaient demandées par le grz et les investissements sont prévus dans le deal...

au niveau des 50 M $ je pense bien que c'est le GRZ est non zccm qui les a recu

je n'ai pas les chiffres car pas chez moi mais je me souviens que quand le GRZ a placé maamba dans les actifs de zccm.. le GRZ a effécé ou plutot mis de coté plus de 75 % de la dette de Maamba... et payé d'elle meme les 25 % restant... de plus il a fallut payer tous les arriérés de salaires qui étaient importants tout comme dernièrement le sous traitant qui n'avait pas été payé car maamba n'avait pas encore vendu son charbon...

à mon sens les 50 M $ correspondent à l'ensemble du cash fourni par le GRZ depuis ces dernières trimestres pour maamba... il serait trop beau que zccm recoive 50 M$ pour un actif que le GRZ lui a cédé il y a un an pour un ridicule 4.7 M$ (montant à vérifier)...

je ne pense pas qu'il y ait matière à se plaindre sur un deal d'un actif qu'on a recu pour une poigné de figue de la part de notre actionnaire principal.

Les 360 M $ qui vont etre investi dans la mine et les 140 M dans la centrale charbon ne seront pas fictifs et profiteront bien à nos 35 %


Messages: 759

Inscription: Jeu 3 Sep 2009 07:30

Localisation: Parc des princes

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 10:31

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

Excellente nouvelle en effet, mambaa colleries va d'ici quelques années est un des fer de lance des participations de zccm.


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Messages: 1211

Inscription: Mar 28 Juil 2009 21:07

Localisation: 34500_Beziers

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 15:32

Confirmé autre mé par le directeur général de NVBL
What India’s Nava Bharatis brings to Maamba coal mine

Yet another Indian firm is rushing into Africa. Hyderabad-based Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd (NBVL) is to spend a little over half a billion dollars to acquire a controlling stake in a government firm in Zambia that owns the largest coal mine in the country.

As part of the deal, NBVL will also have to set up a power plant and invest fresh money in the mine.

Though primarily conceived as a transaction that will earn the company more revenue by operating a mine and generating power abroad, it’s also an opportunity for NBVL to expand its global reach and earn additional revenue by selling surplus coal from this mine in adjoining markets.

The second global acquisition by NBVL, caution analysts, may prove to be tricky since it will also have to deal with labour problems and salary arrears.

The company won against rivals that included Vedanta Resources Plc, South Africa’s Londoloza Resources Corp., Borneo Mining SA, London-based Aldwych International Ltd and the Zambezi Consortium Ltd comprising investors from Mauritius and Zambia.

NBVL, which had some Rs1,168 crore of reserves as on 31 March, plans to fund the $550 million (Rs2,640 crore) acquisition with a 70:30 debt-equity ratio, said managing director P. Trivikram Prasad. “We plan to dilute our stake in the special purpose vehicle Nava Bharat (Singapore) Pte Ltd (NBS) to mobilize the necessary equity funds at an appropriate time,” he said.

The company acquired its first overseas asset, an Indonesian mining firm, in January through wholly owned subsidiary NBS.

The Zambian government had invited global bids, which closed in March, to privatize Maamba Collieries Ltd. The rider was that the winning company will also have to set up a 300MW power project, the fuel for which would be sourced from the coal mine, to meet the demand for power at the country’s copper mines.

“A consortium comprising NBS and a Zambian group bid against a global tender for a 65% equity stake in Maamba Collieries Ltd, a company held 100% by ZCCM IH, a government investment holding company of Zambia. The NBS consortium was chosen as the preferred bidder by ZCCM IH (ZCCM-Investment Holdings Plc),” G.R.K. Prasad, director (finance and corporate affairs) at NBVL, said over phone from Zambia on Thursday.

Apart from around $50 million to be paid to the Zambian government, setting up the power project will require an investment of around $140 million, and recapitalization of the coal mine and increasing coal production will require an investment of around $360 million.

Going by recent coal deals, if the reserves are not proven, the valuation of a mine is around 10-20 cents per tonne. For proven resources, it is 50-60 cents per tonne. Operational mines come with a much higher price tag of around $2-3 per tonne.

“Nava Bharat is on the verge of concluding a monumental deal with ZCCM-IH on Maamba Collieries to establish a coal power station,” Andrew Chipwende, director general of Zambia Development Agency, said in an email response.

“These are distress assets and there are a lot of liabilities. The coal will be mined and sold there,” said a person aware of the development, who did not want to be identified.

Workers at the mine have not been paid for months and production has been hit.

NBVL posted a net profit of Rs520.57 crore on sales of Rs1,350.05 crore in 2008-09. On a paid-up equity of Rs15.22 crore, the company’s reserves stood at Rs1,168.24 crore as on 31 March.

“The transaction is likely to be consummated by December 2009,” G.R.K. Prasad added.

Managing director Trivikram Prasad said, “The process is expected to take (a) couple of months and a purchase-cum-sale agreement with the Zambian government could be inked before the year-end. The priority would be on mining activities in the first phase. (The) power project would come up in the second phase and would take off within three years.”

At present, Zambia’s copper mines consume up to 60% of the country’s power generation of around 1,600MW, and many of them have suffered on account of nationwide power failure in January.

Analysts say coal mining costs are expected to rise due to demand pressures on equipment and human resources in particular, but the sector will still hold value for investors who choose to mine rather than purchase at prevailing market rates.

“A lot of Indian companies are making efforts to get into African markets, which is resource rich and is the market of the future,” notes Kuljit Singh, a partner at audit and consulting firm Ernst and Young.

The NBVL stock on Friday gained 4.27% to Rs379.50 at close of trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The exchange’s benchmark index, the Sensex, lost 0.53% to 16,693 points.
« L'aventure n'existe pas. Elle est dans l'esprit de celui qui la poursuit, et dès qu'il peut la toucher du doigt, elle s'évanouit pour renaître bien plus loin, sous une autre forme, aux limites de l'imagination. »
( Pierre Mac Orlan )


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Messages: 1225

Inscription: Mer 2 Sep 2009 08:11

Localisation: Le noOord

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 16:03

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

Salut Clint! Merci pour cette confirmation.
J'ai titillé de mon côté Chabby :
Dear M. Chabby Chabala,

Whereas i’m a little bit dissapointed for having no precise answers on the below questions, let me adress you and the board my deepest congratulations for the deal with Nava Bharat on Maamba Collieries.

Even though the deal is not fully concluded and some agreements remain to be obtained, (especially from the Zambian Governement & the zambian development agency), this deal and the related project of building a coal power station are a very good sign for both zambian people and zambian economic development, as well as for ZCCM-IH and its investors.

The building of the power station will help to find markets for coal production (which has been a problem for months now) wich will lead to solve the problem of unpayment of employees. Development of coal production wil also ensure the development of the value of Maamba Collieries.

Such kind of deals are very valuable, thank you.

I’m sure that when an official communication will be held on ZCCM-IH and its participations, the true value of the company will become clear for investors, in Zambia and abroad.

I’m waiting with impatience but with confidence such a communication.

Sincerely yours,

xXx - Member of the Phicube Club.

Je n'espère pas vraiment de retour, mais on ne sait jamais quels seront les développements suite à la réunion "au sommet" prévue ce lundi.

Au delà du bénéfice immédiat pour les investisseurs que nous sommes, je pense vraiment que ce deal est une formidable opportunité de développement économique local - et la région en a bien besoin.

Parfait exemple de codéveloppement donc!
Ah c'qu'elle est courue, la pêche, la pêche, ah c'qu'elle est courue, la pêche à la morue.


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Membre d'honneur

Messages: 5943

Inscription: Jeu 14 Mai 2009 16:23

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 18:13

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake


je trouve ton courrier très bien fait et me permets de t'en féliciter.

Par ailleurs je te rejoins totalement sur le fait que le peuple Zambien représenté par le GRZ et nous actionnaires avons des intérêts convergents. Il est agréable de penser que nous accompagnons,à notre modeste niveau d'actionnaire, le développement de ce pays.
Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. BOILEAU

Le Niçois

Messages: 4669

Inscription: Lun 7 Sep 2009 22:10

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 19:28

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

Bravo , mel parti ce soir aussi


Messages: 434

Inscription: Dim 6 Sep 2009 14:00

Localisation: Le Castellet, Var, près de Toulon

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 20:15

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

LesCrozes a écrit:JBD48,

je trouve ton courrier très bien fait et me permets de t'en féliciter.

Par ailleurs je te rejoins totalement sur le fait que le peuple Zambien représenté par le GRZ et nous actionnaires avons des intérêts convergents. Il est agréable de penser que nous accompagnons,à notre modeste niveau d'actionnaire, le développement de ce pays.

Excellente remarque.
Les membres de ce forum (je ne m'inclus pas dedans pour la patience, voir plus loin) ont largement prouvé par leur grande patience qu'ils n'étaient pas uniquement intéressés par l'argent.


Messages: 4732

Inscription: Dim 6 Sep 2009 20:50

Message Dim 27 Sep 2009 20:32

Re: YEP!-Nava Bharat buys Zambia mine stake

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