Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli Inves



Messages: 5086

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 19:54

Message Mar 25 Avr 2017 14:31

Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli Inves ... i-investor

Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli Investor
by Matthew Hill and Taonga Clifford Mitimingi
25 avril 2017 à 13:56 UTC+2

Zambia, Africa’s second-biggest copper producer, is close to selling a stake in ZCCM Investments Holdings, a state controlled mine holding company, for more than $100 million, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Sapir Capital, an Israeli private equity company that’s invested in industries from nanotechnology to oil and gas, is waiting for final government approval for the acquisition of the 17.25 percent stake directly held by the government, said two of the people who asked not to be identified as the information has not been made public. A minority shareholder group welcomed Sapir’s investment, without giving further detail.
ZCCM-IH, which has minority stakes in the local units of companies including Vedanta Resources Plc, First Quantum Minerals Ltd. and Glencore Plc, wasn’t immediately able to comment. Including its direct stake government owns 77.5 percent of the Lusaka-based company, including a 60.28 percent shareholding through the Industrial Development Corp., of which President Edgar Lungu is chairman. Lungu’s spokesman wouldn’t immediately comment. The state pension fund also holds 15 percent of the company with the rest held by minority shareholders.

Failed Attempt

Zambia tried and failed to sell its direct stake in ZCCM-IH to local investors in 2015 . If the deal goes ahead, Sapir will become the biggest shareholder after the government, which will retain its interest through the IDC. .

The proceeds could help the government narrow its budget deficit as the state seeks an aid package from the International Monetary Fund. ZCCM-IH’s market capitalization of about 6.1 billion kwacha ($655 million) is significantly less than the value of its assets, according to some minority shareholders.

Anglo Mines Nationalized

“The investment of Sapir Capital is a show of confidence in the Zambian economy and the potential we all see in ZCCM-IH,” Philippe Bibard, a spokesman for a minority shareholder group based in France, said in an emailed statement on Monday, without providing details of the deal . “We look forward to having a good working relationship with Sapir Capital as a fellow shareholder.”

ZCCM-IH was formed to hold the government’s residual stakes in mines after they were privatized in the 1990s. The industry had been established and developed by Anglo American Plc before its nationalization in 1971.


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Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 16:48

Localisation: la seyne sur mer

Message Mar 25 Avr 2017 14:34

Re: Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli I

Tous à vos calculettes ....


Messages: 79

Inscription: Lun 31 Aoû 2009 16:08

Message Mar 25 Avr 2017 15:11

Re: Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli I


Je l'ai fait de tête, à table, en bonne compagnie.
Je peux vous dire que nous sommes largement sous évalué à Paris.

Bien à vous tous.



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Inscription: Jeu 14 Mai 2009 16:23

Message Mer 26 Avr 2017 12:55

Sapir Capital veut acquérir la participation directe du GRZ ... ns-zccm-ih

Zambie : l’israélien Sapir Capital veut acquérir la participation directe du gouvernement dans ZCCM-IH
mercredi, 26 avril 2017 12:35

(Agence Ecofin) - La compagnie privée israélienne Sapir Capital devrait bientôt investir plus de 100 millions $ pour acquérir près de 17,25% de participation dans la compagnie minière contrôlée par l’Etat zambien, ZCCM Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH). C’est ce que rapporte Bloomberg, selon les propos de sources proches de l’affaire, qui expliquent que la société israélienne n’attend plus que l’approbation finale du gouvernement.

Si les sources de l’agence ont requis l’anonymat, l’information n’ayant pas encore été rendue publique, un groupe d’actionnaires minoritaires de ZCCM-IH a salué l’investissement sans donner plus de détails. «L'investissement de Sapir Capital est une marque de confiance dans l'économie zambienne et le potentiel que nous voyons tous dans ZCCM-IH.», commente Philippe Bibard, un porte-parole du groupe basé en France.

ZCCM-IH détient des participations minoritaires dans les filiales locales de géants miniers comme Vedanta Resources (opérant sur la mine Konkola), Glencore (opérant à Mopani) et First Quantum Minerals (opérant à Kansanshi). La société est détenue à 77,5% par l’Etat (60,28% de participation indirecte par le biais d’Industrial Development Corporation), 15% par le fonds de pension public et le reste, par un groupe d’actionnaires minoritaires.

Si la transaction est approuvée, Sapir Capital deviendrait donc le plus grand actionnaire de ZCCM-IH après le gouvernement. Le produit de la vente pourrait aider l’Etat à financer son déficit budgétaire, alors qu’il espère conclure un accord d’aide de 1,6 milliard $ avec le FMI.

Louis-Nino Kansoun
Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. BOILEAU


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Messages: 4395

Inscription: Jeu 30 Juil 2009 16:48

Localisation: la seyne sur mer

Message Mer 26 Avr 2017 13:52

Re: Zambia Said to Near Mine Company Stake Sale to Israeli I

Merci Philippe !!

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