Message Lun 14 Aoû 2017 19:35


Stakeholders in the Mining sector have appealed to President Edgar Lungu to object intentions by Konkola Copper mines -KCM- to outsource the management of the mine in Zambia.
KCM has briefed government on its intentions to outsource the management of the mine in Zambia to private investors a move which has unsettled stakeholders in the sector.
The Mine Suppliers and Contractors Association of Zambia have urged President Lungu not to entertain the decision by KCM as it will lead to job losses and a decline in economic activities on the Copperbelt.
Mr. Mubanga told ZNBC News in Kitwe that out sourcing KCM to another investor will not guarantee wealth creation and jobs that government wants to create.
He said government must consider taking over the mine instead of dealing with the same operational difficulties of KCM.
Mr. Mubanga added that this is the second time that KCM is going through outsourcing but nothing tangible came out of the first agreement in which the mine and government lost Millions of Kwacha.
AND the United Mine Workers Union of Zambia -UMUZ- president Wisdom Ngwira said Unions in the mining sector will not allow KCM to outsource to protect jobs.